Soo I have been wanting to purchase this book for awhile, and have kept putting it off. So finally last week I decided to go ahead and suck it up and pay the $6 on Amazon and buy "Parenting the way God Parents" and I just got it in the mail and I am
soooo excited and already
learning soo much so I had to share some quotes that I just loved and for any parent that is wanting a good parenting book to read I am totally
recommending it -- and I am only on page 46
So Here Ya Go
Family discussions about such topics as
devotion, charity, heritage, and excellence must find their way back into our living rooms. As Kingdom parents, we have to go deeper places of discussion
with our children than simply their outward behavior. Jesus warns against working to make people took good on the outside while neglecting the more important
heart issues like patience and faith in the face of uncertainty
Of course, no one wants to pass generational sin on to his children. But simply not wanting to is not
enough. We have to take a more active role. Just as God our Father is a
shield and protector to us (Psalm28:7) we must shield out children, praying against specific generational sin and looking honestly at ourselves for signs of influence.
He want us to leave the things that are familiar - the way things have always been- and to go out in faith, building a family of His design. It's easy to build a family of our own design, but God invites us to throw off what we think we know and open ourselves up to HIS vision for our families. Just as God challenged Abram to trust in His plan, He calls us to trust Him wholeheartedly with our families.
Our best hopes and dream for our children pale in comparison to those God has for them.