I've had this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach for awhile.... that feeling is the feeling that I should start blogging again... I know it sounds silly, but it's seriously been bothering me because I know I stopped for all the wrong reasons.
I stopped blogging because I was comparing my "blogging style" to all the GREATS! (see below for an incredible list)
I always thought that mine wasn't good enough ... and maybe that is true... but it doesn't really matter, these are my thoughts, my moments in life, and why do I care who does or doesn't read it, because I am doing this for me right!
It's my journal, out in the open, and that's all it needs to be..... not a comparison of what kind of mother I am.... or how much I can beautifully describe my love for my husband, or how my tragic story has changed my life... or how I can create 50 meals with 5 ingredients or less and have my family begging for seconds....... Don't get me wrong here ... because these are ALL the things that I LOVE from the GREATS!
Their blogs do inspire me in so many ways and God has blessed these women with these Amazing gifts. But maybe my gift is something different..... Maybe it's to write a pretty plain blog, that God can use somehow, someway speak to someone....... Or....Maybe it will only be me that it speaks to.... and I think that is pretty okay.
Without this blog world, I would have never been so engrossed into the lives of the GREATS! Like.....KATIE MAYES, Audrey Caroline, MckMama, Nie Nie......just to name a few of my FAVORITES!!! (So please please do yourself a favor and get involved with these Awesome Women!)
They will never know that they have spoken VOLUMES to my life... and maybe, just maybe I can do the same to someone.....
I have like 40 bazillion diaries/journals that I started throughout my life and NEVER finished... I would always find a new pretty journal and think.... Ohhh this one is sooo pretty I will want to write in it Forever... and then months later I would look back at the 5 entries.
Soooo maybe I should keep this one going and NOT give up, NOT compare..... and although I will probably never be one of the GREATS, maybe to one person I will be
On a side note... I have the worlds most precious baby girl, who LOVES to take a bath, and I just had to share... Because it makes me SMILE ... how bout you??