So this isn't exactly what it looked like outside my backyard today.. but it might as well have been!!! Today was a good day :) And this view is what I saw in my mind.... except my view also had beautiful children squealing with joy over all the "new toys" that have been kept inside the garage for all these long,cold months. Today we were able to break free and it was AMAZING.. we ran without shoes, we kicked footballs, soccer balls, swang, slid, golfed, played tennis, drove a remote controlled car, rode bikes, went on a walked, ended up at miles house, jumped in a ball pit, played baseball, ate popsicles, went pee like a big boy outside on a bush (that was a huge deal by the way)
And all this was only about 3 hours worth of our Fabulous day....
We did have a small break in between, where we ad to take O to the doctor for her 15 month check up, which couldn't have come at a better time, because when she woke from her nap (15 minutes before leaving to go to her appointment) her bed was covered in spots of blood... come to find out she has an ear infection and it is starting to push her tube out in one ear and causing her to bleed..... plus the precious lady is shoving out THREE MOLARS at one time... and one of these molars has a cyst on it and is probably going to rupture sometime and cause her a lot of pain... oh my precious baby O -- how I wish I could take your pain away from you :( But none the less.... she rocked out all afternoon and into the evening chasing her brothers around the driveway while screaming with delight as they drove the remote controlled corvette around her little tiny legs.
on a side note, this precious lady of mine is only 19 pounds at her 15 month check up.. that is in the 9%.... and her head size is only in the 10%... my peanut is seriously A PEANUT.... But all 19 pounds of her is squeezable, lovable, kissable, adorable, indescribable yumminess :)