Well one of my first recipes were the brownies that have carrots and spinach in them-- What?!?! You may ask - I know I know I was nervous---- and well I should have been -- With using only my blender (which again I thought would be "good enough") I served my family and friends brownie with chunks of carrots in them -
yeah..... not the warm welcome I though it would be-- no one likes a brownie with carrots not so hidden in them-
So finally I decided that I need to give the Magic Bullet a try - so I tried to totally ignore the fact that I was going to be paying $50 for something that I didn't think was going to do any better then my current BLENDER
Was I ever wrong!!!!! Oh Lord how have

I am loving it and am now a pureeing MASTER!!!
"what did you say David .... you would like a fruit smoothie, but you are running out the door for football practice.." No problem I will have one coming up in less than a minute!!!