Wow!! 20 weeks and the size of a banana-- we are moving right along :)
And tomorrow we find out if our banana will be pink or blue !!!!
Sooo excited
I am a daughter to the Savior of the world, which is something I am still trying to grasp as best as I can. And he loves me soo such that he decided that I get to be a mother to three amazing children, and wife to an pretty incredible guy. To say my life is blessed would be an understatment.
you HAVE to call me right away!! Please...I can't hardly wait to find out.
I am predicting it's a girl!
you heard it hear first!!
And yes, you can name her after me. ;)
I meant call me right away AFTER you find out. Not like right this second. :)
YAY!!!!! hallie is 20 weeks too!! (except for she's outside my belly)
Sooooooooooo excited.
And I'm impressed at how big the bambino is already. A banana is good size!
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