Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The End Result

The wait, the stress, the anxiety is all over and my boy came out a champ in the end!! The first day was BY FAR the very very worst. My sweet angelic boy peed NINE TIMES IN TWO HOURS....yes you read that correctly, I never knew that I child could have so much pee in them.

It was ridiculous!

The morning went like this....

Cohen fights me to even put on his super cool big boy underwear (I swear we now have even kind imaginable, buzz lightyear, cars, incredables, Wall-E, diego, seasame street.. you name it I bought it)

Underwear finally on.. Check!

We try to stay in the kitchen (tile floor) as much as possible so lots of games, and puzzles happened that day, and even tried to go hangout on the potty for fun so that maye it can just happen naturally.... NO SUCH LUCK... Cohen is freaking out and fighting me trying to get off of the potty while Beautiful Baby O is trying with all of her might to get ON the potty- so with my hands I try to force cohen to just sit on the potty chair, while one leg is holding Olivia back so she doesn't end up inside the toilet (End Result... Baby O ends up playing in the tub while I try to be the expert potty training mommy)

But then mommy must attened to Baby O and off cohen goes to go potty in his big boy underwear while hidding somewhere that of course always had carpet NOT tile ;(

I make Cohen clean up his own mess... (which for him is actually more of a reward and pleasure then a punishment-- I know this boy is crazy)

I take him to the bathroom, talk to him about where he is suppossed to go and then put him in the tub to wash him off with cold water (again he tends to think this is funny most of the time.. not exactly the result I was going for)

Start all over..... this process happened 9 times in two hours...

Oh and let me please post that I think I called my mom in frustration 27x during those two hours

but then magically one time I sat him on the potty after washing him off and he went and then everthing CLICKED in one big Hallelujah Chorus!!!!! I can't say what changed from Pee #9 to Pee #10 but whatever happened WORKED and seriously since then the boy has had a very small handfull of accidents since that 10th time and he has been a MAJOR ROCKSTAR-- I am so proud of my baby boy, I mean BIG BOY!

I'm guessing by Olivia's quick admiration for the potty she will be a much younger age for potty training..... but then again we will see how much my life changes with baby # FOUR's arrival


I have photos that I took, but I am to lazy to search around the house for the cord to download the photos----- but you can imagine... 9 pairs of underwear in the bathtub, a basket full of suckers, stickers, books,a pinwheel, mommies cup full of ice water (for my sanity, don't ask why)a plastic broken slinky, candy, a towel, baby wipes......and it's not a very large bathroom let's please keep in mind!!!


JO said...

haha! love it! i have to say riley was pretty much the same way...totally freaked out to even give it a try. but i knew that after one success she would get it and love it! yay for cohen! and yay for you!! :)

jruetz said...

Yay! Glad to hear he caught on after a bit!