This 100% innocent addiction started because they had a special on their large coffee for .99 cents, and since I couldn't pass up that deal.... I started going.... and my first time there I thought I would treat Cohen to a donut.... He picked a "pink donut" otherwise known as Strawberry Frosted. It was a great day, I learned about the DD coffee and Cohen learned what a Pink Donut was........ that was when the addiction started to creep in....

( It also doesn't help that DD is right by Once Upon a Child, and everytime we go..... Guess who Rememers this new love..the boy NEVER forgets anything)
But now it has become a 2-3x a week outing :)
When I was little my parents would take Adam and I to Rosslyn Bakery before church on Sundays... It was such a fun tradition! And we would look forward to it each and every week. So I thought I would pass the tradition along....... plus I could get coffee for myself.... so I started this tradition, which sadly has turned into a umm.... every other day obssession, and not so much a Sunday Special Treat!!! But this sunday was a little different. We were running late, and not our normal "late" we were really late. So we had to skip DD and head straight to church, and that's when it happened. The Meltdown quickly occured once my precious angel of a boy realized that we had driven past DD and he was minus a Pink Donut--- That's when the wailing, snot flying, tears streaming, legs kicking tantrum begun.... needless to say it was a Long and Loud drive to church..... and that's when I realized He Is Addicted
So now I am putting my foot down..... and am going to work on being a HEALTHY MOM-- and limiting myself and my son to Sunday Special Dunkin Donuts.... stay tuned to see what really happens
1 comment:
After our conversation last night I couldn't stop thinking about donuts! Thanksfully we don't have DD close to here...
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