I know this may sound sily, as it does to me while I write these words, but sometimes I think I have forgotten how to have fun. Of course "Fun" to me is a whole different term then what it used to be, and that in and of itself is not a bad thing. But when I look back on my life with my girlfriends we used to have so much fun together, laughing doing silly things, just being girls.....
Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE MY GIRLFRIENDS sooo much. God have truly blessed me with an amazing group of women who love me and love God, and for that I am forever grateful.
But there is so much "serious" talk that comes with being a grown up/mommy, how to do this, my kid does this, how do you discipline in this situation, how to do this etter, what we need to work on ... etc.... these are important conversations to have, and I do believe that these are the converstation that God loves to hear us have. Because we are growing and learning and loving life together. But still I miss the fun.
I have so much fun with my kids, but again this is a different kind of fun, laughter with them is amazing, they tickle my soul in places that no adult can reach, and make me realize everyday that there is so much more to life, yet it is still the "fun" of a child, so maybe that is why when I get around adults I head straight for the "grown up conversations" instead of "grown up fun" (does any of this make sense..... it does in my head but as I type I think it might be coming out all funny)
Allie and I threw a WONDERFUL Party this past friday (if I do say so myself) and it was sooo much fun! I enjoyed every little moment of it, and it made me realize that I don't have fun like this so much anymore--- "grown up" fun to me now consists of going to bed before 10:30 :(
I need fun like this..... we all need fun like this.... before we lose it and become just another adult ;)
I want to make clear that I DO love my time with my girlfriends more then anything,and I know that life isn't all about having fun (believe me I preach it to david all the time) BUT don't you think we need some more fun girl time instead of just fun mommy time??? I do because I don't want to grow up to fast, I want to enjoy being a girlfriend and a fun 30 year old girl, and not just enjoy a mommy for a moment
I totally hear you. I don't even have the kid part yet and sometimes I feel like I don't ever just have fun. So I'm up for it the next time you are! ;-) Thanks again for the fantastic party- Love you!
YES---I vote for fun no matter how old you get or how many kids you have. That is a must!
Thanks for a wonderful party!!
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