It all started in South Carolina, well I guess not exactly in S.C. ;)
but from the moment I thought that there was "something" going, I remember it Perfectly.
I was in Savannah for a work conference, and I knew that "it" was supposed to be happening soon, but when it didn't, I didn't worry, until I woke up early one morning feeling a little sick, and I just KNEW it was more then that.... I immediately called Steve to tell him my theory... to which he said.... "you don't call me early in the morning and tell me THAT" I laughed and thought of him laying in bed, his mind racing in all directions... within 5 minutes of my first call he called me back with much more panic in his voice then before..."was I sure?" of course I wasn't sure, I was at a hotel for a work conference, do you think I'm going to ask my boss to run me to the closest drugstore so I can pick up a pregnancy test??? So Steve continued to call me every so often throughout the day to check on my status and see if I had started.... after about this 8th time calling, I think that is when the reality set in....... Another One???? This was the same week that Cohen broke his leg while sliding down our slide with David.... so needless to say the Chaos that was happening at home, was not being lightened by my suspision of another baby arriving in 9 months... Needless to say I was right and the thrill began to find both of us, especially when we found out it was a girl.....A Daughter!
Fast Forward to what seems like a blink of the eye, and Now our Baby is ONE.... My heart beats a little quicker when I say that.... She is the most Amazing Joy to My Heart.
I want you to understand my heart, I want you to understand the way she makes me feel, I want you to understand the way she makes me want to be better for Her, but simple words are not enough... I have a million dreams in store for her, and "wisdom" that I hope to one day say to her. I wish everyone could see her smile, and hear her laugh... I pray I never ever forget the sound of that laugh......
My prayer for her is that she may know that she is BEAUTIFUL in God's eyes, and that she takes that beauty inside of her and blesses everyone around her. That she is strong in wisdom and meekness, and that she never lives a day without laughter.
She has made my life that much more complete and from that moment I knew of her I have been madly in love with her
Miss Olivia Faith - you hold my heart in your tiny little hands
1 comment:
Such a sweet post! Can't wait to see you ONE WEEK from you!
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