Friday, June 13, 2008

I am still alive!!!

It has been forever since I have posted anything.. It is soo sad to me. I have had a lady from my corporate office here in indy for TWO WEEKS...... ughhhh.... is really all I have to say -- I am exhausted to say the least. But now she is gone- It is 2:15 on Friday and I am so ready for the weekend.
I don't even have any photos to post because she wore me out so much during the work week that once I got home I was totally DONE for the day-
So no new photos- nothing to new to share....

Except for the fact that Cohen kept me up screaming all night last night-- NO JOKE... he cried and cried and cried from 2:00 until 6:00!!!!! Yep that't right- And then I was up at 7:45 for work. He wasn't sick he just didn't want to sleep for some reason and was so mad that we were keeping him in his bed making him sleep.
I can't believe I am still even able to type right now. It is father's day and I have yet to get steve something- even though I know what I am getting, again due to Lori and was unable to take a lunch break and pick up my present.
so now I have to do it this weekend.... and even thinking about that makes me tired.....

so much to think about - but my brain is shutting off.. so

so long for now- Hopefully I will have photos to post from this weekend!!


Jen said...

I am just tired reading all of that--what a long week.

I hope you get some good rest this weekend.

I love you and miss you and get to see your beautiful face in less than 3 weeks! :)

Dru, Asher, Quinn, & Asa said...

I got your message today. You called when I was running each of the kids in from the car in a pouring down rain storm. :) Then asa was screaming cause he was hungry and at the same time Quinn needed to go down for a nap. Whew. I will call you back!!

Jen said...

Um...are you still alive? :)

Miss you and can't wait to see you in TWO WEEKS!!!