Sunday, October 5, 2008

Growing Up To Fast :(

So last night we moved Cohen up to his Big Boy Room- Our master bedroom is on the main floor, and the nursery is right next door to us. For the past year Cohen has been right next door to us, and we have been planning a talking to Cohen about moving upstairs with David for awhile now. I have wanted to make sure that Cohen was upstairs and comfortable in his new room before Baby Girl got here and Cohen was "kicked out" of his room. Well.... for some reason yesterday I just had the itch to move Cohen and in my mind it had to be done yesterday-- I knew it was going to be hard for him whenever we did it so I figured it was better to do it now the to delay it any longer. Soo we did and wow what a long night it was...... but what was most surprising was how sad I was about the whole thing-- as soon as I put him down for the first time and came downstairs, the upstairs now seemed miles and miles away from me :( I hated feeling like my little baby boy was so far away. I didn't sleep much at all last night, mostly because Cohen kept waking up and was scared because he didn't know where he was, but also because I felt that a part of me was missing because my baby boy was now a big boy upstairs :(
Tonight is another night, and even though Cohen went down much easier tonight, it still riped my heart out to hear him cry because he was scared to be left alone.

There have been plenty of things that have surprised me about being a mom, but this is the most recent-- I mean how will I handle his first sleep over, if I can't even make it through the night with him one floor above me???

1 comment:

Jenni said...

i remember having those exact feelings with jonah when we moved him downstairs before jordan was born. it broke my heart! (and i still have the baby monitor in HIS room becasue i feel like it's so far away! how silly!) i promise cohen will adjust very soon and love his new room... it's harder for mommy than it is for him! can't wait to meet your little girl soon!