Friday, November 21, 2008

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

It is 8:45 on Friday and I am waiting for the phone to ring to find out if I will be having a Nephew or a Niece this April!!! I am soooo excited I can not stand it!! It obviously is a blessing to have children, but to watch your brother and sister-in-law experience this for the first time, there is something so thrilling and extra special about it - I am excited beyond belief

and SECONDLY...... you can guess......
I am waiting for this little girl to arrive, but my patience is very very thin :(

Oh dear Lord, today would be a GREAT DAY to have a baby :)

Don't you agree


Megan said...

you are adorable.

Kristi said...

Let me quote my favorite line from friends..

Ross: No No, Don't tell me I dont want to know the sex of my baby!!

Monica: I'm sorry I'm just so excited to be an aunt!

Joey: Or an uncle!!

Dru, Asher, Quinn, & Asa said...

We are going to have a NEPHEW aren't you excited!!!! Drew thinks they should name him Brian Bryan. hehehe! Sorry I have not called you back yet! I listened to your message while loading kids in the car and my cell was IN the car when I was NOT when you called. :( My house phone is a little more reliable! :)