Monday, February 23, 2009

The Update!!

So since so many people have asked.... I didn't know that my "girls" were so popular :) Anyways I did decide to stop b.feeding earlier last week. And I was "okay" with it or so I thought. But by Friday I just did not have a peace about it and I started to wonder why I didn't have a peace because it felt sooo good to stop and I think I really wanted to. By Friday night I realized that it was God saying to me TRUST ME, He is bigger then any of my "issues" that I have and HE wants to show me his Power even in something so simple as b.feeding.
So after not nursing for 4 days I decided to wake up the next morning and give it a try and just 100% trust in Him and Him alone, not the 4 cups of Mothers Milk Tea that I was drinking each day, or the 19 herbs I was taking a day, but to trust in HIM.

So that is what I am doing, and so far it is working ( not that I should be surprised) but I am trusting and he is doing a miracle :)
I do know that is might not last forever but I know that when it does end, it will be because He is saying enough, and it is not just me deciding to end this.

Prayer would be greatly appreciated if you think of it

So there you go- that is my update for all you curious readers out there!!


Kaleb said...


My dear Mrs. Clark. Your latest post successfully passed through my Internet filters without setting off alarm bells to my accountability partners!! Ha, I'm glad you appreciated that story - quite funny indeed - but please don't feel like you need to change terms (b.feeding) simply on my account.

I thoroughly enjoy your blog even if I am a silent reader most of the time. Keep up the good faith; amen to your trust in the One who formed and fashioned you. He is faithful and true, yes?

- KC

Jen said...

Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work of obeying and trusting your Father!! I am praising the Lord! Angela