Tuesday, March 9, 2010

you will never know

i just had this super cool post... and then when i went to publish it ... there was an error and now my post is gone...

your loss

you will never know what I am doing today and WHY!?!?!?


Jen said...

You can't do that. you can't leave us hanging like that... :)

Katie @ Heart Gone Walking said...

Cruelest post EVA!

The Clark Window said...

i know i know!! and the best part is that the the second post is much more intriguing then the first one I did.... so it makes it all the more exciting :)Let's just say it had to do with passports, and maggie moo's
we ended up not getting the passport, and I did get maggie moo's which was what the whole post was about... the sad fact that i'm taking david there and can't eat any ice cream myself becasue right now dairy & sugar literally kills my stomach and makes me sicker then a dog.... but his looked so dang good I caved in a bought me some... and YES I dearly paid for it later on, but it was sooooooo worth it :)

JO said...

haha this makes me laugh! and cute new look by the way... :)

David Robert ~Founder of ProximityCast.com said...

It's amazing how creativity is like that... If something is lost, it just can't be replicated and be the same...