Friday, January 16, 2009

Scary Night

We had to take Olivia to the ER last night- Cohen has the croup and she had a fever and was having a hard time breathing so we were afraid that she might have the croup as well. So we called our doctor and they recommended taking her to the ER- so last night at 10:30 on the coldest night in 5 years-- we took our precious little 5 week old to Clarian. Praise God she did not have the croup but bronchilitis (i obviously don't know how to spell that) they gave her a breathing treatment and she is doing okay-- We have to keep giving her breathing treatments but she is going to make it :)

She was a very very good baby today - even with the hard night and she has just been so precious and smiley today so I thought i would share these photos and video!!


Katie @ Heart Gone Walking said...

Oh, how scary! I'm so glad she's fine. I hope both kiddos get well soon! We need to see you soon.

Jen said...

Oh my! Glad she is ok. And she is already changing---these pictures she looks a little less like Cohen.

Miss you and we need to catch up soon.

Christina said...

poor baby. I am glad she is ok but so little to be so sick. I pray that God brings healing to your family.

jruetz said...

I'm so glad she's ok!! And she looks so gorgeous and BIG!! :)